A New America

Let this be the catalyst for an inclusive, united America

The next generation is charged with creating an America closer to the founding ideals
Refath Bari @RBari
Founder & Editor-In-Chief

America. Home of the free and land of the brave. I still believe in the power of America, in part because I have been privileged to see -- in a very material way -- the simple truth of hard work manifested in my own family's change in socioeconomic status. That kind of an immigrant story -- it's only possible in this country. In America.

The world can be much better -- leverage the demarcation of history created by COVID to create a better future for our inhabitants. That future must be sustainable -- one that uses sustainable energy to bring sustainable development to the world's poorest. Physics makes possible sustainable energy, which will commercialize renewables such that the poor have access to modern lifestyles, including education -- enabling the children of Dharavi and Bronx alike to pursue their dreams without fear of lack of electricity, heat, or water. I saw a need to boost the low morale that has deprressed the Bronx. And so I hit the streets with some chalk and passion. And Math4Bronx was born. I spend my weekends hoping to make change here in my own home, solving math problems on the quarter-mile of construction boards outlining Lehman College.

That kind of an immigrant story -- it's only possible in this country. In America.

Refath Bari

Education is our road to a better future. I have hope, because I see it -- in the eyes of every parent, child, and dropout who stops by Math4Bronx, gazing at the equations and diagrams, mesmerized by the beauty of their abstractness — and for just a second, distracted from a truly good, awful, and to-be-better world. Islam went, quite literally, from zero to hero. From 609 to 809 (AD), it went from being nonexistent to being the largest political power, religion, and empire. But before we talk about its' amazing historical rollercoaster, we're going to look at what Islam is.

About the Author
The author of 55 Days in Dharavi and 1560 SAT Scorer has one mission and one mission only: to promote truth and crtical thought, both in severe deficit in the current national zeitgeist. As Math Captain of the largest school in the nation and Winner of the Brooklyn Hackathon, Refath is uniquely suited to lead The Thinker in pursuit of knowledge and truth.